Friday, March 29, 2013

The Beginning Of Our New Normal

We have been home now for 4 days. I wanted to let you all know that the girls are doing just great. They seem to be settling in well and for the most part enjoying their new life.
We had a visit from some friends yesterday that allowed the girls to be able to talk in Russian. Zhenya spoke with Nastia, who had seemed to be struggling, about how she was feeling and then translated for me, so I could learn a few thins and answer a few questions. It was the greatest thing to happen. I feel like it opened some doors and allowed Nastia to hopefully feel a  little more comfortable here. She has been struggling (and I am sure will continue to struggle) with homesickness. That is to be expected, and we told her that we were not upset that she was feeling sad and we just want to find ways to help her feel better. I think she appreciated it and has been a lot happier since.

We also got the girls new bikes last night. It is the best present I have ever given someone. They have not gotten off them since we brought them home, and have giant grins on their faces the whole time they are riding. I love the pure joy that riding a bike can bring. They rode their bikes up and down the street over and over again and even started trying to do some tricks on them. There were a couple of spills, but they jumped right back on and kept going!

I was able to find a few foods that they like to eat and so we have been able to feed them, which makes me feel better.
Olena went ice skating for the first time and loved it. We couldn't talk Nastia into participating, but she had a fun time watching Miranda and Olena falling over.

We have mostly been trying to let the girls settle into their new home, family ad life. Nothing too exciting :)
The girls will be meeting a bunch (at church and family and friends coming to visit)of people over the next few days and week. I am hoping that it wont become too overwhelming for them.

We will be getting family pictures taken very soon, so you will all be able to see the new Maurin Family!

We hope that each one of you have a wonderful Easter and enjoy spending some time with your families.

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