Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On The 4th Day Of Christmas...

On the 4th day of Christmas Olena needs from you:

A mention in your family's Christmas letter!

So at Christmas we like to contact every person that we have ever known and tell them all about our family and how our year has gone. I don't usually do this, I think I was as little scarred from my parents telling the whole world about every little detail of our lives every year. But I do plan to do it this year!!! And so should you :)
What we are asking is that this year, in YOUR family's Christmas letter, to all your friends and family, that you mention OUR FAMILY and OLENA. It doesn't take much and it doesn't cost you anything. But it could make all the difference to our family.
You could go into detail about orphans in Ukraine and all about our story, or it could be as simple as "I have been following the story of a family that is trying to raise money to bring their daughter home from Ukraine. If you or anyone you know could help them out in any way, or you just want to follow along with their journey please visit www.themaurinfamily.blogspot.com They would really appreciate it. "

See easy :)

Letters like these are sent all over the world. Through you, our story could reach someone that might be able and looking for someone to help this Christmas. You could be the difference!!

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