Friday, December 7, 2012

Give Up An Addiction (just for today)

I have worked really hard this year to give up some things that I love. It was prompted by some medical issues, but it has been difficult none the less. I quit eating anything that contained even the slightest amounts of SUGAR, DAIRY and YEAST. I have been free of these things for a year now and my body has never felt better. As you can imagine that has limited the kids of things I can eat in general. But it has been worth it. I am not going to ask you all to give up what I have (although I guarantee that you would feel good if you did) Today I am going to ask for something a lot easier then that!

On the 7th day of Christmas Olena needs from you:

No Expensive Drinks (just for today!)
I know most people can't get by without having there coffee or their diet coke. But I know you can do it just for today!
ONE day is all we are asking. What would you normally spend on drinks like this in a day? Maybe it's only a couple of dollars. You might not think that would help. But it will. EVERY little bit helps!!
Plan: stop drinking, save money, donate money. Easy! You would have spent it anyway. Now you are spending it to save our beautiful daughters life.

It's just one day. We can all give up something for just one day! Go on, give it a try, for Olena :)

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