Friday, May 10, 2013

My Mothers Day Message

With Mothers Day approaching I have been pondering a little about motherhood.
I believe that motherhood is the greatest calling in the world. It is the hardest job you could ever have,  but it comes with the greatest rewards.

I love this little clip. It helps me remember that I am not meant to be like anyone else. I am me!
I am my children's mother and I AM ENOUGH just the way I am!  And you are too.

I can't help but think about the girls biological mother during this holiday. I wonder what she would want for them, and what dreams she had for them. I wonder if they are thinking of her. While I believe very strongly that these girls were meant to be my children, it saddens me to think that they had to pass through such sadness and loss to make it to our family. I am sure that their bio mom did not plan to miss out on their lives. I am sure that if given the choice, she would choose to be around to see them grow up. I am sure that when she carried them, she had dreams about what their lives would be like. I am also sure that she is watching over them this mothers day, and I am hopeful that she will be happy with the new path that their lives have taken. I am hopeful that I can be the kind of mother that she would be happy to give her children too. I hope that one day I will be able to hug her tight and thank her for the beautiful girls she gave birth too.
I echo the words of another adoptive mother on this blog post. Thank you Mariya for loving our daughters!

I love each one of my children and I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to be their mother. Without each one of their sweet spirits, my life would be so much less loving, exciting, annoying, tiresome, and just plain enjoyable. My children keep me young. They keep me on track. They remind me all the time when I make mistakes and I love them for that. They are the little flecks of gold that make my life worth living.

I am grateful to my own mother, for her selfless service to me. My mother was and is, always willing to serve her children. My mum dedicated her life to being the best mother she could be. Her sacrifice and love has helped me understand what it takes to be a good mother. While I know I will never be as good a house wife as she was/is, I am always trying. Because of her, I understand that taking care of my family isn't a job it's an act of service. I am grateful to her for her love and support, her testimony and advice, her patience and kindness and  most especially her example. Thank you mum for all that you are.

I am grateful to all of my friends for being the kind of Mothers that I look up to. While I understand that I should not 'covet my friends mothering styles', I am grateful to each one of you for your example to me. Without each of you and your advice and support, I wouldn't be who I am, and parenting 6 kids, would be a a whole lot harder. So Thank you.

"Motherhood is never a perfect fantasy life, it's real". It's hard. It has it's challenges no matter how your children come to you. I am so grateful to have the opportunity in this life to be a mother. I will take the challenges and trials that come with this wonderful job, and I wouldn't change them. It's what life is all about.

Happy Mothers Day!

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