Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 2 Of The Waiting Game

This was the day we were meant to be driving to Ismail. So because we aren't able to go yet we had to move apartments. Sasha came to pick us up and on the way to our new apartment we made a few stops!

First we stopped at the SDA to ask more questions about what we needed to do. Sasha spent some time in with them, while we walked around the markets in front. After a little while he called us to come back and meet him. They ahd told him that he could not do anything today. So we moved on.
Our next stop was a notary office. Sasha took us in so that we could sign the necessary douments needed to send to the SDA with our addendums. This took quite some time! But we got them done and ready to take to them. We followed that with lunch with Sasha. This was great. We got to know him a little better, and were able to chat and enjoy his company outside of the adoption.

On the way back to our new place, we stopped one more time to harass the SDA a little more and see if they would accept the application we just signed and assign us an appointment knowing that our paperwork would be there sometime today. They said NO. All the papers have to be submitted together. Another disappointment, but we are trying to not focus on it.

We arrived at our new apartment, which was not very far from our last. It is a little bigger and has a washing machine. I am so excited about that because I was wondering where I was going to find somewhere to do our laundry!

We also met up with our friend TJ who so generously offered to come and help us out while we are here. He was meant to come to the orphanage with us, and help us while we were there. But, stuff happens and we have to roll with it, so he came to Kiev and is staying here with us. We took him to dinner at the mall near the apartment and we had a meal from a place called McFoxys. Yep it is exactly what you think it is!! Ever seen coming to America? They have McDowells, well Ukraine has McFoxys! It is mostly chicken stuff but has the same looking logos as McDonald's.

After eating TJ gave us a quick lesson in the Russian alphabet, how to conjugate verbs and step down nouns. I am a little confused, but for the most part it was very helpful. I think I am starting to recognize letters and words as being just that, and not gibberish!
We finished the day with a trip the the grocery store, which was much more successful with TJ with us. We were able to find the foods we wanted to eat and some things that TJ told us we HAD to try. I a looking forward to that!!!

Tomorrow we are going exploring again, so there will be lots of photos. We are trying desperately to get the SDA to allow us an appointment early next week, but it looks like the earliest it will be is Wednesday. That puts us exactly a week behind. Oh well!  We are trying to keep busy so we don't go crazy with the waiting. I think that Kiev is a cool enough place that we will be able to do that.

I keep going over and over in my mind if there was something we could have done to avoid this, and in hind sight there was. But we will never know why they chose to not allow us to move forward when they have with many others before us. Mike doesn't want to think about it, but I am starting to think that maybe we are just meant to meet Anastasia. I am not sure where the Lord is leading us, but I hope and pray that we are prepared for the journey that he has chosen for us.

Please pray for our family, because we are not sure how long we will be here. And if you get a chance stop by and say hello. I am sure that my brother is bored being stuck in the house!!

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