Saturday, October 6, 2012

Joy In The Journey

I wanted to put some thoughts down, while they were fresh in my mind. I LOVED President Uchtdorf's talk this morning about finding joy in the journey. I need to be better at that very thing. Life is meant to be enjoyed not endured, right? Well Sometimes I feel like all I do is endure life. I know that sounds terrible, and I really am a happy person. But, especially lately, life just gets on top of me and I find myself feeling not good enough in any aspect of my life, but especially as a parent and wife. This isn't how I or any of us should view our lives. As stated so beautifully by Pres. Uchtdorf this morning, "We are human. None of us is perfect." It shouldn't be a surprise to us, but if I am being honest, sometimes it is. I expect myself to be perfect and when I fall short, which is all the time, I am upset. Why do we let ourselves do that? Why do we expect so much?
The Mr and I and our friend were out running the canyon this morning (it was really cold BTW) and I remember thinking about how beautiful it was. I love running down Provo canyon because no matter how many times I go up there I am always in awe of the beauty that I am surrounded by. It makes running so much easier when I have that beauty around me to admire and enjoy. It really makes the journey joyful no matter how tired or cold I am. I could run all day up there. I need to think like that about every day life. We have so much around us that is beautiful and that should be enjoyed. Our families and friends and the beautiful place we live are just a couple of those things. I really am grateful to have the Gospel in my life. I am grateful to have been led to our daughter and to have the opportunity to work hard to bring her here. The hard work we have to do now will only make the reunion with her that much sweeter. This journey we are on really is a sweet one and I will work harder to remember that, as I know things will only get harder. 

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