I share this with you because yesterday I had to watch all of them struggle and it was hard. During this incident there were things said by my children, to my children and about my children that were hurtful and mean, and that made all involved very sad. It was a hard day. While watching and participating in this sad day, I was reminded that each of us as parents raise our children very differently. We each have an idea about what will be the best for them. Sometimes those ideas are wrong and we have to change our plans according to the needs of the child. There is no cookie cutter recipe for raising a child. The way you and I do things may be different but it is what we feel is right for each one of our children. In the end what we all want is to raise our children to be well adjusted functioning adults.
I want people to love my children, all of them, but I understand that not everyone will. I understand that some will see their struggles and write them off. I understand that sometimes people, maybe even the people that should be the closest to them, will turn away. It will hurt and it will be sad, but I need my kids to know that no matter what happens, or who chooses to not love them, I ALWAYS WILL. I will ALWAYS fight for them.
Everyone of my children are different, but they are all perfect in their own way. I will try to never overlook the uniqueness that my children bring into the world, just because someone else may not see it as perfect.
This quote made me laugh because sometimes it is so hard to pretend. Our family is not normal and it's okay to not be. Who decides what is normal anyway!?!
Try to always keep a smile on your face. This is a lesson I am constantly trying to teach my children. We have the ability to choose how we feel each day. We each can choose how we respond to things that are said and done to each of us. When we choose to turn the corners of our mouths upwards, we will learn that things aren't always as bad as they seem. A smile will help spread happiness throughout your family.
I will never let my kids forget these very wise words. They are all these things and more.
Please try not to judge any of my kids on their occasional thorns. They are all part of my beautiful garden, and even with their thorns and prickles, I believe they are amazing. If you could see them the way the Lord sees them you would also see their beauty.