Thursday, November 6, 2014

No Day But Today

There's only us, there's only this
Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
No other path, no other way
No day but today
Sometimes I forget that there is life happening right now. I have 5 other kids that NEED me. I have a husband that needs me.  I am so stuck in the stress of life with a special needs child, that I forget to actually live. I have regrets. I am missing life. 

There's only us, only tonight
We must let go to know what's right
No other road, No other way
No day but today
I MUST let go of the things that I feel the need to control. I can't do it all. I can only do what I think is right in the moment, and I need to let go of the rest. I can't always win. There doesn't have to be a lesson in every situation. We can just live.

I can't control my destiny
I trust my soul, my only goal
Is just to be
I can't control what will happen in the future. Nastia may very well choose to leave us and return to the place that didn't want her. I can only trust in what we believed was right and HOPE (there's that word again) that she will make the choice to stay where she is loved. My goal is just to be the best parent I can be, here and now.

There's only now, there's only here
Give in to love or live in fear
No other path, No other way
No day but today
I wish with all my heart that I could help her understand how to give into love and let go of the fear she feels. We, all of us, can only control our current situation. There is only now.

There's only us, There's only this
Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
No other road, no other way
No day but today
I don't want to miss life anymore. I don't want anymore regrets. I need to forget my regrets and live in the moment. My kids deserve that. I deserve that. Maybe Nastia will one day figure out that life is more then regrets and fear and choose to think about how to be happy today. But I can't wait for that. I have to choose to be happy today, even if she isn't. I just wish I knew better how to do that!

No day but today
(No day but today)
No day but today
(No day but today)
No day but today
(No day but today)
No day but today

Lets ALL be happy TODAY!!

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