A week ago Mikes company, Usana, had a family day at lagoon. So we took the girls on their first roller coasters. We couldn't get too many pictures because they wouldn't let us take my bag on all of the rides. But it was a fabulous day and I think that while it started out scary for everyone, it ended with each of the kids conquering fears and enjoying the big rides.
First ride of the day happened to be one I have disliked since I was a child. I guess i overcame a fear as well |
About to get on |
enjoying the wild maouse |
There are some smiles |
Fun ride |
Talon |
Waiting to get on the rock o plane |
Mike and I had the opportunity to run the
Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay this past week. We had an awesome time testing the limits of friendship and strength while running 200 miles and being stuck in a van for 2 days with 6 people. It sounds gruesome, but really it is the most fun you can have while working out. It was the best triple date with friends EVER! Thanks Mike, Damien, Liz, Matt and Amy for the awesome time.
On our way |
Warming up the flags |
I am ready with my flags and safety gear |
Hmmm Amy got caught |
The awesome van 2 |
A little talk of .......... |
Some spanking while we wait |
A little moon walking to pass the time |
First major exchange, Tyler to Liz |
Our team, minus Liz who was running |
The mustache |
Matt and Amy |
Liz and I at exchange 7 |
Our team van |
Me finishing and Damo starting run 1! |
Finishing his last leg |
Damo done with his big hill getting an ice rub! |
Amy running up the giant Ragnar hill |
Drink break |
Giving Amy a drink and taking some beautiful pictures |
Photo op while Amy took a drink |
Dance break to help Amy up Ragnar hill! |
Amy to Matt for his last leg |
A little bit of butt touching :) (it's not real if you can't tell) |
Matt finishing and handing off to Mike for the last leg. |
On our way to the Finish Line |
Mike finishing up his leg and joining with the rest of the team |
Running to the finish line! |
The dark side of the mountain!! Fabulous team! |
Mike and I |
Van two. Love these guys!! |
A well deserved kiss of the medal |
I felt pretty spoiled getting to be gone from the kids and acting like a teenager for a few days, it was hard to mentally prepare to come back.
During one of the rest stops we had, I got to read a friends blog that perfectly describes the feelings I have been having since coming home. This family adopted 3 siblings, while we only got two, but most everything she talks about exactly describes what I have been feeling. If you have a second give it a
I am trying really hard to not take the things that happen personally. But I do struggle. I am grateful to have 4 mornings a week while they are at school, where I can just breath and prepare myself for the rest of the day. It is helpful and allows me to not be stressed or emotional all day long. School is great!!
The kids summer activities are done and now I am trying to make sure they stick to the schedule I made that involves them doing chores, school work, reading and other fun things before they get any free time. We also have some activities each day that are supposed to keep them busy. I have been a little slack about keeping up with them everyday, but I am trying to be better at that as well!!
This is the board that hangs in my kitchen |
This is what has to be done each day |
Some fun activity ideas for the summer |
Each day has an activity to help keep boredom away |
The schedule, (we only mostly keep to his) |
Things that each of the kids are working on over summer |
This is the list of extra chores they can do. They have to choose one of these each day |
They check of everything that is done each day |
For the most part, life is still just trudging along. We are slowly finding our new normal, even though sometimes I really
wish for my old, what seemed more simple life. I know it will get
easier, but I also know it will never again be like that. There are extremely happy days and there are days were I just want to crawl into a ball in the corner and not come out. But I try to always put a smile on my face. I am sure you have heard the saying "Fake it till you make it"? Well, that is what I do most days.
Honestly though, life isn't bad. Our family has come a long way in the
3 months that the girls have been home. The smiles in the pictures above are proof of that. It's hard to believe that it has only been 3 months. It feels like they have been part of our family for longer. We are all so grateful to have them here and we wouldn't trade the hard stuff, because it builds character and makes us all better. And who wouldn't want that?